About Us

Statues of India is a student-founded and run digital mapping archive out of FLAME University, Pune, India. Brought together as a result of the observation regarding the lack of any form of digital archive of statues across the world. With the understanding that statues are a significant form of object history of any country and holds extreme sociological impact and significance pertaining to the area that it is in.

The project specifically logs statues of influential public figures (currently focused on India although, with the hope to expand in the future). This project was initiated on the basis that statues hold a great amount of meaning in relation to the place it is in. Some installed as a sign of adoration for an individual, some installed by authorities as a form of yielding obedience from the general public and others as a sign of respect. Throughout the course of data collection it was also observed that the absence of a statue in an area holds meaning and even more interesting is that many across India are installed as a sign of rebellion in states where the installation of a statue is prohibited.

Aiming to emphasize how important the object history of a country is, was where this archive was born out of. This project ideated by a mere group of 7 students was and will continue to be the beginning of a long journey of realizations about the history of India and hopefully soon a lot more countries as well.

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Our Mission

Our aim for this archive is to make locations as well as information about statues around us known to everyone. We want this to be used by people to understand more about statues as a symbol and the affect they have had in shaping opinions of people around them.

Our Team

Harshita Goyal

Anvi Daga

Nishka Gandhi

Presth Bhardwaj

Ananya Tandon

radha Khade

Zahra Gonsalves